Definition: “Learning is acquiring new, or modifying and reinforcing, existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information. The ability to learn is possessed by
humans, animals and some machines.”
Most of people think that learning is defined this way,
however real learning must include a critical concept Unlearning or knowledge destruction.
What is Unlearning?
Definition: To put (something
learned) out of the mind; forget.
order to learn you have to learn to unlearn. The ability to question global
beliefs and paradigms is critical to go further , to move forward in human and
nature understanding. After all if we belief what everybody says and writes and
we dont question anything it is imposible to evolve. Through history every
leader and influencer has questioned paradigms and global beliefs. Think about this;
do Platon , Aristoteles, Socrates, Jesus of Nazaret , Mohamed, Buddha ,
Leonardo da Vinci, Chistopher Columbus, Thomas Edisson, Albert Einstein and
Stephen Hawking have in common?
They all questioned paradigms and worked with passion and discipline in order to demonstrate that what humanity believed until then was incorrect.
Your brain is like a
you want to put more things inside your backpack you have to take some of them
out. Ego and arrogance is the worst enemy of intelligence and learning , as it
keeps you from learning more. A lot of success people that achieved their goals
stay in arrogance and think they know everything, they wake up everyday looking
at the mirror and saying: Yes I am the King, I am rich, I know everything……
Nothing further apart from reality.
when you are ready and mature enough to be able to unlearn you will understand.
Forget your ego and you will advance and achieve real happiness and success.Happiness and success is not about being the best at the peak of the mountain , it is about understanding and kaizen (constant and never ending improvement). Contribution and growth are the two most important human needs after all.
― Gautama Buddha
advice is: Look, feel, think, doubt and then
think again, don't fear anything
……… stand up
for what you believe!
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