The recognized doctor Mr. Masaru Emoto wrote an excellent book called Messages from water in which he proves that water molecule structure is directly related to human conscience. It is an excellent work and it is proved by photographies, a scientific work that took years and it is now a worldwide recognized masterpiece.
For those of you who didn´t have the opportunity to read it please let me share with you some very interesting information.
What is HADO?
All molecules are composed by atom combinations. Atoms are composed by electrons and atomic nucleus. As electrons have negative charge and protons positive charge , electrons orbit around the nucleus emitting unique vibration waves. Scientifics call this waves HADO.
Electrons when they repel each other generates a pattern (magnetic resonance field). There is no two similar patterns, in modern science this is called Chaos. The reason why there is no similar patterns is because they vary depending on the conscience of the observer.
HADO means the kingdom of the subtle energies related to conscience synonym of the word Chi in japanese. In order to measure HADO, Mr. Masaru Emoto worked together with doctor Lorenzen from Berkley University with a machine called MRA (Magnetic Resonance Analyzer).
MRA machine is used worldwide in homeopathy in order to classify the best water to treat the patients.
Water , Humans and earth
When the ovule meets the sperm and it becomes fertilized life starts, at that point water is 95% of the ovule. As you all know water represents 70% of any grown up human.
Approximately 70% of the planet is water, we don´t need to talk more about it as this data is clear on how important is water for all animals , earth and life as we know it in the universe.
Did water came from space?
In 1997 the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) announced that they had proofs that water comes from space in microscopic objects (similar to snow) everyday. This has been happening since the earth was formed approximately 4.600.000.000 years ago.
It is now believed that water does come from space and this is why it is very difficult to understand its properties with our earth knowledge and thinking.
The message from the water
After years of studies and thousands of tests, Dr. Masaru and his team proved that water is not stable, the molecule structure varies depending on when and where you look at it. They came to the conclusion that water molecules try by nature to become pure water , this molecule is perfect and beautiful.
One of the experiments was to put music to distilled water, the results were impressive. The water molecules changed their structure depending on the music and they formed beautiful patterns. For pictures and more information about it please buy Mr. Masaru´s book.
I am sure all of you have heard the story of plants and flowers at home or inside an office. If the ambient is good, the flowers will last longer and if it is bad the flowers will die fast. All experiments made by Masaru proof that this is correct, after all if music and emotions can modify the water structure it will definitely affect the health of the flower/plant.
In order to proof this, Dr. Masaru labeled two jars with the words Thank you and I hate you. Everyday a member of the team must talk and feel this emotions in front of the water jar. The results are impressive as you can see the different molecule structure changes. Thank you is shown as a beautiful shaped molecule whether I hate you is shown as chaotic and ugly.
SHUI (The chinese character of water)
It is very mysterious and interesting that the shape of the water molecule is almost exactly the same as the chinese character Shui that means water. Chinese writing is one of the oldest writings still in use and it is proved to be at least 6.600 years BC, it comes from hieroglyphs (same as egyptian).
How they knew this or if it is a huge coincidence is something very personal and I will not talk about this.
My personal conclusion on all this information is:
Feel happiness and love everyday and you will shape the world and reality for good!